Price List

Unlike other companies we are transparent about our pricing.

We do not add on hidden extras and do not pressurise you into buying products and services you do not need. Please note our prices include VAT. We are also able to get to you on the same day or next day as we know that your pest issue needs sorting quickly.

Commercial Prices

Obviously commercial property varies massively in size and you wouldn't expect the Hyatt Hotel to pay the same price as your local takeaway so please call us on 0121 364 7000 to discuss your needs and arrange a free no obligation survey.

Domestic Prices

Again prices will vary on the size of the property and the extent of the problem but these prices will give you an idea. Remember these are guaranteed treatments we are not happy until you are 100% satisfied. We have included the price that Birmingham City Council charge as a comparison however they do not provide a service for all pests

Rats and Mice - prices from £140 for the first three visits includes materials and proofing where possible. (Birmingham City Council currently charge £120 for a single visit for mice and £36 for each extra 30 mins + Materials).You save at least £72.

Squirrels - £45 per visit. This includes proofing if possible (Birmingham City Council £102 for first visit £85 for follow up visits)) You save £137 based on three visits

Ants - from £80 (Birmingham City Council £115) You save up to £35

Fleas - from £100 (Birmingham City Council £170) You save up to £70

Wasps - from £60

Bees/Honeybees - We will always try to remove and rehome bees where possible Where we cannot remove them and there is a health and safety requirement we will treat Prices from £99 (honeybees cost more as a return visit is needed to block up holes as legally required to protect local colonies ) Council will not deal with bees

Flies - from £80

Mites - from £100

Silverfish/Firebrats - from £100

Carpet Beetle - from £100

Moths - from £100

Cockroaches - prices from £95

Bedbugs - prices from £60 per room, per treatment.

Foxes - please call us to discuss your requirements

Rabbit - please call us to discuss your requirements

Mink - please call us to discuss your requirements

Birds - please call us to discuss your requirements

We can accept card payments and will take payments in instalments. All these prices include VAT and materials

We are open and honest about our pricing. When comparing prices please ensure the prices include material, VAT and proofing where appropriate.

Any questions please call us on 0121 364 7000

Council prices correct as of March 2018